Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Review of Alpha Omega Publications Monarch

When I pulled Elijah out of Public School ,for the SECOND time, we used Switched on Schoolhouse. I loved everything about SOS once I got used to it. It was SO much better than K12, which I tried before and failed miserably at thus causing me to have a mental breakdown and re enroll Elijah into PS. The only drawbacks to SOS is that you can only load it onto one computer, so unless you load it onto a laptop you are chained to your PC for school. There is also the price. To a single Mom $399 is a lot to come up with at one time. So last year I decided to check out Monarch. The reviews said is was basically SOS, only online. This was very appealing to me because my son sometimes stays with his Nanny and he would need to be able to do school over there. The closer for me was the individual monthly payment plan. For $40 a month my son has access to all of Monarchs curriculum. 

If you are coming from SOS to Monarch, it's gonna take a while to get used to. The menus and features are different. The lessons seem to be the same design. Something I hope they add is the attendance tracker. I really liked that feature in SOS. It does not currently exist in Monarch. 

                                       His Start Page

                                   My Start Page

I love the report card, daily work report, and transcripts features. The Bible curriculum blows me away. I learn just as much as he does from it. You can print the test questions and use them as a study guide. They have fun games at the start of each lesson that my son enjoys to play and they keep his attention and actually learns from them. I also really love that in every subject God is woven in. I know that his mind is safe with Monarch. 

                        A look at his assignments

Elijah has Aspergers and his niche is electronics, especially video games and computers. He excels with Monarch. Much more than he did in a classroom setting. He can work at his own pace and that pace right now is ahead of his classmates back in public school. 

We love homeschool. I am not much of a hands on homeschool Mom. that's why I love Monarch. He works on his own and if he has trouble with something he can ask me, but the instructions are so clear it is rare that he asks me for help. If he is having trouble with something, I can have him redo the lesson. There are Projects and Experiments. I pick and choose what we do of those. I really like the customer service, even though they are only available during certain times. My son likes this curriculum and that's the most important thing. 

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