Friday, February 19, 2016

REVIEW: HISTORY Through the Ages Hands-on History Lap-Pak: U.S.Elections

I am pretty patriotic and I enjoy exercising my right to vote. I took my son to the polls during the last election, and he has been with me while I worked the polls for pro-life issues. So, I was pretty excited to see HISTORY Through the Ages Hands-on History Lap-Pak: U.S. Elections by  Home School in the Woods ~ ( I was so excited about the Elections in the title that I didn't stop and think about how I have never put together a lapbook. I went into this project pretty blind.
U.S. Elections History Lap-Pak  Review

I am not a crafty person. I am a procrastinator I often start projects and don't finish them because I get overwhelmed, especially if there are too many parts. If this sounds like you then you too will feel completely overwhelmed when you download everything you  need for this project. It didn't help that the child who is supposed to be doing this project has Aspergers and ADD. I also have ADD so I needed a third person to help keep us on track and to mediate any fighting that ensued. I am not the most patient person so Drama and I doing a project usually ends in tears, from both of us. I didn't realize what a big project this was or I would have rethought volunteering to review it.

Downloading HISTORY Through the Ages Hands-on History Lap-Pak: U.S. Elections was super easy. I did have to download Adobe Reader to view the files. I recommend making sure you have printer ink and paper on hand when you start this project because you will need to print multiple pages. I am very old school when it comes to things. For example, I like paper books not ebooks. So reading multiple pages of instructions off of a computer screen was not for me. Luckily they give you an option to print these off. Also handy for the list of things you will need for this project.

I printed everything of that we needed. I opted to print the Elections Booklet in full pages and just put it in a report folder that I found at Dollar Tree. One less thing to put together. You will need scissors, double sided sticky tape, clear packing tape, brads, a file folder, card stock, velcro, glue stick, pencil, and colored pencils. I used double sided sticky tape but I should have used glue instead. I also didn't have cardstock but I found that file folders cut in two worked great in a pinch.

Today we went to my sisters apartment to work on the project. I had printed off everything before hand. Assembling the Lapbook was pretty easy for Drama. It was cutting out all the little bits and taping everything in place that was a little hard for him because of his fine motor skills. He began to get frustrated halfway through so I helped with the cutting and my sister guided him through assembling. This project took us almost four hours from start to finish. I think it would take less time for someone who had put together a lap book before and with a student who didn't have fine motor problems. I definitely recommend glue instead of tape. We used tape and I really wished we used glue because the tape started coming off of the little pieces.

U.S. Elections History Lap-Pak  Review
U.S. Elections History Lap-Pak  Review
U.S. Elections History Lap-Pak  Review

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U.S. Elections History Lap-Pak  Review

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