Friday, August 7, 2015

We survived! The first week of Homeschool and Co-op

This week we started back to school! We are homeschool. It isn't as big a deal to us as public school but we still try to make it fun. It was also our first two days of our homeschool co-op. I am a co-leader of Adventure Homeschoolers of East TN. We are a very laid back co-op that my friend started when she couldn't find a homeschool group that she "fit" into. We meet on the first Tuesday and Wednesday of the month for enrichment classes at Imagination Forest, a local toy store. 
 We have grown since that picture was taken this past May. We have had steady growth since we started offering classes at imagination forest. Our homeschool group started out in Alecia's dining room. We would have science class every Monday. 

and we grew until that turned into THIS

I teach Astronomy and Health & Safety. I love Astronomy. I love everything about space, the stars, the planets, it's all very fascinating to me. If you haven't heard of Louie Giglio you should look him up he is awesome. I want to share my excitement about the universe with the kids and get them excited and hopefully one of them will grow up and become an astronaut and convince NASA to let me go up. Even though I suffer from dyscalculia and can't do math to save my life, lol. I'm sure I can be of some use up there? 

Back to our first week of school. This week was mostly placement tests which was more of a headache than it should have been. We had never taken placement tests before and I was using a new program. I didn't realize I was using it incorrectly and what I thought was a five hour placement test ended up being a whole months worth of math assignments and not even the placement test. My son and I were in tears.  Thankfully my friend ,who is my "village"(bless her heart), gave him the test tonight in thirty minutes. Crisis averted. 

  I homeschool out of necessity. My son has life threatening food allergies and Asperger's. He had so many issues with his elementary school and it was apparent to me that the best way for me to keep him safe would be to homeschool him. It wasn't just me being over protective it was severe violations of his IEP AND Section 504. There were also problems with bullying. So when he had to switch schools due to us moving I just saw it as a sign and decided to just homeschool him. Two years later and he is doing great. He has friends, he is socialized, and he is safe.
I wouldn't trade it for anything. Especially with everything that is going on in the world. I know he is learning the bible. He is learning what I want him to learn, not the government, and he is not stuck in a desk all day he is out in the world learning hands on. 

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